S/O to planet Pluto, now has made it to Aquarius. The world now feels what has been blocked. A new energy has been unlocked.
Side note: this pizza was the truth.
S/O to planet Pluto, now has made it to Aquarius. The world now feels what has been blocked. A new energy has been unlocked.
Side note: this pizza was the truth.
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Mama Soul in the building in ATL getting ready for VP Kamala Harris
This is information from ChatGPT about an experiment Facebook ran without ppl knowing. Guess what demographic got the raw end of this experiment. Guess if they’re currently doing an experiment.
“Facebook’s mood experiment, officially called the “emotional contagion” study, affected around 689,000 users in January 2012. The experiment manipulated the news feeds of these users without their knowledge to see how exposure to positive or negative content impacted their emotions and subsequent posts.
In this study, Facebook altered the algorithm to show some users more positive posts from their friends, while others saw more negative content. The results indicated that users who saw more positive posts were more likely to post positively, and those exposed to negative posts were more likely to post negatively, demonstrating a form of emotional contagion.
The study, published in 2014, sparked significant controversy due to ethical concerns about conducting psychological experiments on users without explicit…
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